Strong writing equates to a better reader experience. A few ways to accomplish this are by using active verbs and stronger descriptions.
For example, did the heroine walk away? Or did she stagger or march or stumble? Did the antagonist look at the target? Or stare or glare or glance? Did the hero laugh? Or chuckle or snicker?
Very is a word to avoid. Instead of saying very pretty, why not use a stronger word? How about gorgeous or striking?
Fortunately, through my research, I have lists of alternative words for walk, look, laugh, and many others! Also, when I'm on the AutoCrit editing platform, I can run various reports to strengthen my writing for these areas and others.
The thing to remember is the typical words used when people talk. This means dialogue is different from narration. Weaker words may be more realistic when used in dialogue. Consider how often you use very when you talk to people.
My assistant, Missy, and I work hard to ensure our writing has vibrant narration and realistic dialogue providing each character with a unique voice.